到了1999 年,NASA 甚至将谈论Planet X 存在的事,与自杀邪教的教义连系在一起,迫使人们不再谈论有关题目,并令人对Planet X 望而生畏。
早已经在上世纪七十至八十年代,借着多年的精密计算和观察底下,被确认存在的Planet X,并且知道地球上曾出现种族灭绝性的大灾难,都是由于Planet X 接近所引发。但是,为什么美国太空总署要在后来多番否认Planet X 的存在呢?并且,为什么要抹黑寻找Planet X 的人,甚至以邪教的名字加诸凡寻找Planet X 的人身上?其目的是否要令世人不知道Planet X 的真相,而不致令全世界早在三十年前已陷入恐慌呢?
从以上众多的新闻资料中,我们已经得知Planet X 存在的事实,而在1984 年以前,美国太空总署都承认并不断寻找Planet X,但为何到了1984 年,就是当他们宣称已经找到Planet X 之后,就突然全盘否认这些事实呢?
Is there a Planet X?
In 1846 the Planet Neptune was discovered. The existence of the planet explained the residuals in the orbit of Uranus. Its residuals shrank to only a fraction of an arcsecond, which is comparable in size to many known possible sources of systematic errors in observations. However, astronomers still kept searching for another planet, which led to the discovery of Pluto by Tombaugh in 1930. To completely remove the residuals in the orbit of Uranus and the residuals in the orbit of Neptune as well, Pluto's mass would have to be between 0.5 Me (Earth mass) and 5 Me, but its mass is only 0.002 Me, far too small to have any detectable effect on the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. Therefore the theoretical search for a tenth planet, Planet X, began, still only based on the small anomalies in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. The place to look for was the outer region of our solar system, beyond Pluto. According to the Titius-Bode law ( R(i)=0.4 + 0.15*2^i , where R is the semimajor axis) the semimajor axis should be 77.2 AU, taking i=9. However, as is explained in the subquestion "is our solar system typical when compared to others", this law already breaks down for Pluto and Neptune, so this value doesn't mean much.
I"is our solar system typical when compared to others", this law already breaks down for and Neptune , so this value doesn't mean much.
The A number of articles have been written about the possible position of Planet X and the effect the planet would have on the orbits of the other planets of our solar system.
In may of 1988 Dr. A.A. Jackson and Dr. R.M. Killen wrote an article in which they integrated four test orbits of a trans-Plutonian planet foward for four million years. They tried to determine the effects of such a body on the stability of the Neptune-Pluto 3:2 resonance, which means that when Neptune makes three orbits, Pluto makes only two. They found that such a planet with masses of 0.1 Me and 1.0 Me at a distance to the Sun of 48.3 AU and 75.5 AU respectively, do not have any effect on the resonace of Neptune and Pluto. Planets of mass 5 Me with semimajor axes of 52.5 AU and 62.5 AU however, do have an effect. It is therefore unlikely according to them that a planet of mass 5 Me exists between 40 and 75 AU. If Planet X exists its mass should be less and in such an orbit that it does not disrupt the orbit of Pluto.